Freitag, 20. November 2009

Nur so, falls vergessen...

The founder of a Tibetan literary website was sentenced to 15 years in prison on charges of disclosing state secrets, an overseas monitoring group said Tuesday.

Kunchok Tsephel, 39, was convicted and sentenced Nov. 12 after a closed-door trial at the Intermediate People's Court of Gannan prefecture in southwestern Gansu province, according to reports from Tibet received by Tibetan exiles, said the International Campaign for Tibet, a Washington D.C.-based advocacy group.

Some of the charges are believed to be related to content posted on his influential website, Chodme, or Butter-Lamp, which promotes Tibetan culture, and also for passing on information about last year's anti-government protests.

Kunchok Tsephel, who has been detained by police since Feb. 26, had also worked in a Chinese government environmental department.

His family, who did not know where he had been held for nine months, was summoned last Thursday to hear the verdict, the ICT group said.

There was no official comment, and no way to independently confirm the court case.

Kunchok Tsephel had founded his website on Tibetan art and literature in 2005 along with a fellow poet. Authorities have shut it down several times over the past few years.

Wie aus tibetischen Quellen hervorgeht, hat die Polizei in der Region Kardze in der Provinz Sichuan die Holzladung eines tibetischen LKW-Fahrers beschlagnahmt und ihn dann erschossen. Der Familie des Opfers seien 60.000 Yuan (ca. 6.000 Euro) Abfindung angeboten worden, als sie eine Bestrafung der verantwortlichen Polizisten forderten.

Der Gründer einer Website für tibetische Kunst und Literatur ist nach Informationen von Exiltibetern wegen Enthüllung von Staatsgeheimnissen zu 15 Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Ein Gericht im chinesischen Gannan in der südwestlichen Provinz Gansu habe das Urteil gegen Kunchok Tsephel nach einem nicht-öffentlichen Prozess am 12. November gefällt, erklärte die in Washington ansässige Organisation International Campaign for Tibet. Einige der Anklagepunkte gegen den 39-Jährigen sollen sich auf Inhalte seiner einflussreichen Website Chodme bezogen haben.

Wie das Tibetische Zentrum für Menschenrechte und Demokratie (TCHRD) mitteilte, wurde Kunga Tsayang, ein tibetischer Schriftstelle und Fotograf, am 12. November ebenfalls wegen Enthüllung von Staatsgeheimnissen zu fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt. Er war im März 2009 wegen angeblich im Internet veröffentlichter politischer Essays verhaftet worden.

(Tibet Initiative Presse, Newsletter vom 20.11.2009

Eifrig, Eifrig...

Während du eifrig dabei bist, dem Ich in dir und auch den anderen Menschen um dieses Ich herum zu erzählen, wie deine Pläne aussehen, wie du dich verhalten wirst und vor allem, wie sie sich verhalten sollen müssen, damit deine Konzepte bestehen können, übersiehst du, und alle die dir zuhören, in jeder einzelnen Sekunde voll und ganz das Wunder des lebens, wie es in dir vibriert und pulsiert, wie es zu dir hinaufschaut durch die Augen derer, zu denen du sprichst, Wie es sich um dich herum bewegt, rauscht, deine lungen mit luft füllt und dir von überall zuruft: "Hallo, schau doch mal! Komm her, ich zeig dir was! Es ist schon längst alles getan!"

Truth about love... or is it the same?

The wisdom about love is, that there are no "other humans" to love. And the love one is usually talking about, is loving a belief or a story about a person. But that story obviously doesn't fit to the reality of that person, because she wouldn't run away otherwise, would she? So people are inventing all kinds of boundaries for relationships. Dependencies of any kind, peer-group pressures, promises given under the threat of punishment. The point and the truth is, that you can never really love other "humans", as long as you make up images and stories about them. Bause these imaginary stories would be that, what is loved. Not the being.

Donnerstag, 12. November 2009

You can not claim to be a conscious human being... long as you are able to kill even a fly without scruple.

Mittwoch, 11. November 2009

How far is world government?

What I think as a horrible fact is, not only the military power of western nations, but that one country actually has the power to cut off another country from all life essential goods, to starf the whole population literally to death. How the hell coud this happen?! How could we let this happen? Don't you see what this means? There is little hope for true freedom and we ALL are going to pay for this mistake of humanity.

Dienstag, 3. November 2009

David Icke - Michio Kaku Confirms Icke to Be Correct - My Comment to the Comments...

It is the same old problem: people who are not able to think for themselves, because of fear or simply because they have become dumb, do only believe in "higher" institutions, means, those people who rule them. Therefore they will only believe in what I call "certified thinkers", people who have any kind of certificate (given to them by the same people who are the "authorities" for sure, in form of a paper) which makes them "respectable" to the braindead masses. But these will tell you only ->

->what you are meant to believe, these "scientists", confirmed by the society will for sure only tell you things, that are beneficial for this society, because it will keep their personal status up. If you are heading for the TRUTH, there is no one needed, to give you a certificate to do that. In fact, there is not anybody kompetent enough, to give you such kind of thing. You have to go for yourself. And that is what David Icke did, accepting the humiliations done to him. RESPECT, David!

Sonntag, 1. November 2009

"...under the sky, under the heaven, man, there is but one family."

(Bruce Lee)