Samstag, 10. Oktober 2009

Counterstrike Proclamation

Lets create a counter-organization from the base. Lets threaten them 'till they shit their pants. Lets provoke them as much, that they will have to let the curtains fall, come out of their holes and expose themselves. That will be the only hope for humanity to change the world system thats destroying not only mother earth, but the whole creation on its way. Let us scare the shit out of them! We have the power to organize and to come together. No Majority is needeed, but people highly concerned to TRUTH and spiritual evolved. There will be sacrifice and I would gladly welcome Death for the Freedom of mind and from all slavery in the world. ALL EQUAL AS ONE! Thats what we are as creation, and that recognition is a chance for Life and Heaven on earth, if you will call it that way.

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